lunes, junio 23, 2008

PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4

PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4
Originally uploaded by berXpert.

De pronto se convirtio en una pieza de deseo, era casi increible pensar que el mismo dia que salio a la venta se haya agotado inmendiatamente. Y lo peor del caso... era el regalo del dia del padre que este papacito se merecia ... ahhhh

Afortunadamente para este gamer hoy (6/23) lo encontre sin querer en el Walmart.

Ahora a ponerlo para completar la coleccion

1 Comentarios:

A la/s 4:42 a.m., Blogger achuta dijo...

Hi berXpert,

I am using your codes for the GetFileOpenName Win32 API. The structure that is sent is using blobs for filter. The dialog works brilliantly. However, the filter is NOT appearing well.

The following code deals with the filter.

blob lblb_filter
lblb_filter = blob (filter + space(1))
li_pos = Pos ( filter, '|' )

DO WHILE li_pos > 0
blobedit ( lblb_filter, li_pos, char(0))
li_pos = Pos ( filter, '|', li_pos + 1 )
blobedit (lblb_filter,len(lblb_filter),char(0))
ofn.lpstrfilter = lblb_filter

With these codes and using a filter like "Excel Files (*.xls)|*.XLS|Access Files (*.mda,*.mdb)|*.MDA;*.MDB|Text Files (*.txt)|*.TXT|All Files (*.*)|*.*", the dialog displays the letters "E", "c", "l" , "F", "l".

Someone on a forum said that "...I finally found some documentation on GetOpenFileName that said the filter string needs to end with 2 NULLs. Once I added the extra NULL at the end of the filter, it
seemed to fix the problem".

I tried to append char(0) to the Filter but this does not resolve this issue.

I am sorry if this question was already answered before on some forum, but can you please point to me what am I doing wrong?

Please let me know asap. I've been stuck on this for 2d.

You can reach me at

Thanks in advance,


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